
June 3, 2024

The introduction of video-enabled directly observed therapy (video-DOT) for patients with drug-resistant TB disease in Eswatini amid the COVID-19 pandemic – a retrospective cohort study

Video-enabled directly observed therapy (video-DOT) has been proposed as an additional option for treatment provision besides in-person DOT for patients with drug-resistant TB (DRTB) disease. However, evidence and implementation experience mainly originate from well-resourced contexts. This study describes the operationalization of video-DOT in a low-resourced setting in Eswatini facing a high burden of HIV and TB amid the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic.

February 5, 2024

Uptake of community health care provision by community health entrepreneurs for febrile illness and diarrhoea: a cross-sectional survey in rural communities in Bunyangabu district, Uganda

Around the world, countries struggle with a shortage of trained health workers and insufficient public health facilities, especially in rural, resource-poor settings. As a result, many communities have insufficient access to essential primary healthcare. To improve access, the WHO promotes a community-based interventions model in which community health workers (CHWs) play a key role as first entry point into the formal health system. CHWs are selected from local communities and trained to diagnose, treat and refer people to the formal health system. This study focuses on a novel approach aimed at making CHW programmes more effective and sustainable, by using the principles of micro entrepreneurship.

March 27, 2023

Using telehealth to support community health workers in Uganda during COVID-19: a mixed-method study

At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, a local consortium in Uganda set up a telehealth approach that aimed to educate 3,500 Community Health Workers (CHW) in rural areas about COVID-19, help them identify, refer and care for potential COVID-19 cases, and support them in continuing their regular community health work. The aim of this study was to assess the functioning of the telehealth approach that was set up to support CHWs during the COVID-19 pandemic.



Mar 19


Mar 20, 2022



Madiro hosted its inaugural virtual hackathon, MadiroHacks, bringing together 100 hackers, mentors, judges and volunteers across 3 continents - Africa, North America and Europe. MadiroHacks was a great opportunity for participants to connect with like-minded people and build something that could have a positive impact on people's health.


Madiro launches its annual call for proposals to support mother-child and pediatric health initiatives


May 17, 2022

Ein Presswire

Madiro announces the launch of it annual granting program and invites eligible organizations to submit an application for funding. This year’s grants will be awarded to projects focusing on mother-child health or pediatric health for unserved and underserved communities on the African continent, for which Madiro is offering one CA$75,000 and one CA$50,000 grant.

Aviro Health + Supporting Health Providers to Reach More Patients


March 29, 2022

Aviro Health

Aviro Health is excited to announce the successful partnership with The goal of the partnership is to increase adoption of Aviro Pocket Clinic by health providers in South Africa and Kenya to improve access to quality HIV and Diabetes care. Pocket Clinic is a digital self-care platform made available through service providers in the public and private sector. It empowers patients with accessible and engaging semi-automated health journeys, counseling and linkage to services via phones or devices in facilities, for conditions like HIV and Diabetes and supports health providers with a platform to stay connected to their patients.

Pitching in: Supporting health care projects in Africa


Paul Waldie

July 30, 2021

The Globe and Mail

Last month Mr. Schauer’s health care company, AlayaCare, raised $225-million through a financing. Mr. Schauer sold $11-million worth of company shares and donated $10-million to the foundation...

Press Release: The Gillian & Adrian Schauer Foundation Invest $10 Million in Madiro to Support Transformative Solutions in Global Health


July 7, 2021

Adrian Schauer and Gillian Morantz today announce an initial investment of $10 million to relaunch The Madiro Fund, under the shortened name Madiro ( This follows AlayaCare’s $225M financing round on June 23, led by Al Gore’s Generation Investment Management, and jumpstarts Madiro’s efforts to support transformative innovation in global health.

Following $225M raise, AlayaCare founder Adrian Schauer donates $10M to low-income health charity A Small A Medium A Large


Martin Patriquin

June 30, 2021

The Logic

The funds will support the relaunch of Madiro, the foundation Schauer started with his wife Dr. Gillian Morantz in 2013. Madiro will invest in Healthy Entrepreneurs, a Netherlands-based organization that provides basic health services to isolated villages in Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi and Kenya. (The Logic) Talking point: Schauer seeded Madiro with a $25,000 cheque as part of his wedding proposal to Morantz, in lieu of a wedding ring. Over the years, the couple has donated a total of $250,000 to the organization. The $10-million donation was part of Schauer’s windfall following the $225-million investment in AlayaCare, announced last week. “My view is that whereas the goldrush in tech valuations is good for innovation, for the economy at large, the aging populations and for workers, there is a bit too much wealth accruing to founders. I’m a very happy taxpayer and think that the marginal benefit to society is much higher in this type of activity than in my pocket,” Schauer told The Logic. “[The AlayaCare raise] was a lot of money, and I don’t think it earns its best returns sitting in a single person’s wealth account.”

Two women smiling and holding a child

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